Each of those is its own topic, but he briefly explains them and demonstrates the 'why.' There are a truckload of tutorials out there, so very specific keywords in your searching will help you find things.
Compression is almost its own topic and a bit more complex, but definitely something to learn the ins and outs of.ĮQ is another topic to understand, and this video I tend to recommend most just because of the information/explanation crammed into 10 minutes (mirror EQ, audio microscope, frequency masking, etc.). Any 'compressor' that goes to a ratio of 10:1 or more is technically a limiter, but the one to protect your (g)ear(s) is strictly set to limit with a threshold high enough not to engage during normal mixing (i.e., it shouldn't function at all unless for protection). I didn't check out what the Fruity Limiter is until now and that is not strictly a limiter and has other functionality to it. +1, the 'struggling with mixing' part slipped by, so John's comments are definitely good ones.